Email: Apple iCloud. Microsoft Outlook. FastNet.

Development: GitHub. Trello. Draw-IO. NodeJS. MongoDB. OpenShift Hosting. Teletype for Atom. StackEdit Markdown Editor.

Tools: CodePen. Colour Picker. Font Picker. Colour Picker. Let's Encrypt (SSL Certificates). Lorem Ipsum. Icons8. Flags. JsFiddle. Fonts. CSS Font Selector. Emoji Unicode Tables.

Code: StackOverflow. Visual Studio. CocoaPods. w3schools. Apple Developer. StackSkills. HTML5 Web Workers. Eloquent Javascript. Speaking Javascript. CSS Tricks. Mozilla Web Docs. jQuery selectors. WebAssembly. Smart Contracts on Ethereum. Syntax Highlighter for HTML. Ace embedded editor. Code Prettify. Javascript - 30 Seconds of Code. IT eBooks. DevFreeBooks.

Tutorials: Javascript. Javascript. jQuery. AngularJS. React. Node.js. Underscore.js. Vue.js.

Tech Sites: NASA JPL. SlashDot. Ars Technica. Wired. Explain XKCD.

Books: Amazon. London Review of Books. New York Review of Books. BookBub. Good Reads. Literary Hub.

Conspiracies: The Mandela Effect. Bad Astronomy. The Flat Earth Society. Ancient Aliens. 911 truth. The Time Travel Fund. Time Travellers United. The Illuminati.

Writing: Hiring Writers. Academic Essay Writing. 100 Essay Questions. What is an Academic Paper?

Services: Information Is Beautiful. Programmable Web. Open Weather API. Open Exchange Rates. Network Rail Data Feeds. Oxford English Dictionary. Bitcoin Exchange API. Twitter API. Datamuse Word Search. Yandex Dictionary API. Transport API. Ethereum. Blockchain API. Leaflet JS Interactive Mapping. MapBox.

Long Reads: Medium. New Yorker. AV Club. Birth-Movies-Death. Priceonomics. New Statesman. Atlas Obscura. Clickhole. Seven Inches of Your Time. Medium. The Cut. Granta. BuzzFeed. ElectricLit. Digg.

Podcasts: History Extra. Dan Carlin - Hardcore History. The Ancient World. Earth Ancients. The Flop House. Skeptic. Astronomy 161 - The Solar System. Astronomy 162 - Stars, Galaxies, & Universe. The History of Rome. The Data Skeptic. This American Life. Why You're Wrong. Podictionary.

News: The Guardian. MSN. Buzz Feed. DNA Info. Expats CZ.

Browsers: Vivaldi. Chrome. Firefox.

Search: DuckDuckGo. Bing. Google. WolframAlpha.

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